Casey Pelzl, MPH

Principal Economic and Health Services Researcher
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Casey Pelzl, MPH, joined HPI as a Biostatistician in April 2021, and has since become the team’s Senior Economics and Health Services Analyst. She brings nearly a decade of experience in outcomes research, during which she worked closely with trauma surgeons from across the nation to improve the treatment and care of injured patients. Since joining HPI, Casey has developed a passion for identifying the radiological inequity and accessibility issues in the pediatric Medicaid population. She is also a leader on ACR’s inaugural Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Council. In August 2024, Casey will begin her  doctorate program through Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

In her spare time, if she’s not cooking for her family and friends, you’ll find Casey mountain biking on the trails in her backyard, skiing the slopes of Monarch Mountain, or ice fishing on Blue Mesa Reservoir.

Casey’s bibliography of peer-reviewed articles can be found here.


Selected Publications

Pelzl CE, Rula EY, Duszak R Jr, Christensen EW. "Trends in Diagnostic Imaging by Nonphysician Practitioners and Associations With Urbanicity and Scope-of-Practice Authority," Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2023 Sep-Oct;52(5):315-321. doi: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2023.06.001.

Pelzl CE, Salottolo K, Banton K, Madayag RM, Hamilton D, Duane TM, Carrick M, Lieser M, Berg G, Bar-Or D. "COVID-19 and trauma: how social distancing orders altered the patient population using trauma services during the 2020 pandemic," Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open, 2021;6:e000645. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2020-00064