- About the Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute
- ACR HPI Cookie Policy
- Alternative Payment Model (APM) Toolkit
- AUR-ACR Neiman Health Policy Institute Social Event: Opportunities in Health Services Research
- Breast Screening Bundle Tool
- Cancer Disparity Maps
- Cancer Disparity Maps – Data Sources
- Cancer Disparity Maps – Interactive Maps
- Cancer Disparity Maps – Measure Descriptions
- Contact Us
- Data Tools
- Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute FY2013 Call for Proposals
- Health Equity Compass
- Healthcare Delivery & Policy Research Course
- Identification of Academic Radiology Practices
- Medicaid vs. Medicare Reimbursement for 10 Common Radiological Procedures, By State
- Medicare Beneficiary Enrollment Numbers: A Research Tool
- Neiman Almanac
- Neiman Almanac 2.0
- Neiman Imaging Types of Service (NITOS)
- Neiman Imaging Types of Service (NITOS)
- Neiman Inpatient Cost Evaluation Tool (ICE–T)
- Bundled Payments Models
- Case 1: Which DRG Should a Practice Bundle?
- Case 2: Examining CJR Episodes
- Comparing DRGs
- Frameworks for Radiology Practice Participation
- Glossary
- Interpretation
- Interpretation, Methods, & Glossary
- Methods
- Ranking DRGs
- Risk Mitigation in Bundled Payments
- Tutorial
- Understanding Bundled Payments
- Using ICE–T to Make a Bundle
- Neiman Institute Grants
- News and Events
- Newsletter Signup
- Privacy Policy
- Publications
- Radiologist Patient Facing Dataset: Discontinued
- Sitemap
- Winter 2021 Neiman HPI Research Newsletter